Senin, 11 Mei 2009

प्लान देवेलोप्मेंट प्रोजेक्ट

Development Plan Project b4 End Destiny
a. The short term below 5 years
b. The middle term average 10 years
c. The long term average 30 years

  • Argentina

  • 2.Iraq
    Global Economic Prospects 2009 : Middle East and North Africa Regional
    -GDP for the MENA region is projected to slow to 3.9 percent in 2009, and a quick resolution of the financial crisis in high income countries could produce an increase in GDP to 5.2 percent in 2010.
    -The region witnessed a sharp rise in consumer price inflation as a result of the surge in global prices for food and feed grains, together with and increase demand in several economies.
    -The world is becoming more urban, and decisions are increasingly being decentralized to cities and municipalities.
    Urban Population: 67%
    Life expectancy at birth: 59 years
    Access to an improved water source: 77%
    GDP per capita: $1054
    Labor force: 49%,,contentMDK:22013584~menuPK:247603~pagePK:2865106~piPK:2865128~theSitePK:256299,00.html

    3. Pakistan
    The military government that took power in 1999 soon thereafter announced a plan of devolution of authority for social services to the district level, in the hope that istrict level officials would be held more accountable for service delivery than higher level officials. It is too soon to tell whether this plan will be effective. Devolution is another idea that has been tried before: the military governments of Ayub Khan in the 60s and Zia Ul Haq in the 80s also tried to strengthen local governments, without succeeding in eliminating Pakistan's social lag. The First
    Five-Year Plan in 1955 planned to "decentralise school administration, giving greater degree of financial authority to the district education officers, and constituting local school management committees.

    Table 5: Coefficient on Pakistan dummy in governance regressions

    resources: women leadership

  • Disability and schooling in Myanmar

  • Resources :
    next updated.

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