And here are some Big Conspiracy on twenty centuries:
Since 1970, the General Assembly has frequently declared that the Palestinians are also entitled a self-determination; none of these resolution specifies the territories whose status isaffected by self-determination for the Palestinian could be interpreted as limited to the West Bank and Gaza, which have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967 but are not legally part of Israel, or it could be interpreted as employing the total replacement of Israel by a Palestinian state. With the agreement reached between Israel and PLO following the historic event of the signing of the “Decalration of Principle on Interim Self-Government” in Washington on 13 September 1993, the process has been confined to the Gaza Strip, the Jericho area, and the West Bank, with a number of vexed questions concerning, inter alia, Jerussalem and the permanent status of the territories and to be resolved. Some conflict military has to be signed as permanent territories, in the end February, 2009 with the claimt state in beginning of promises land for Israel and stop crimes Israel against human right in Palestinian. Others peace land, according to Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founding father of the new creed, the new state should be sited, to prepare for Jews live on Argentina, Mauritius, Uganda or others else in order to minimize conflict tension for expansion in Palestinian, whether in local area conflict or others district, such as in Waziristan, south Pakistan or others country insult. This is deal solution, avoid who's start confrotation, in Aqsa Mosque. And convert Iran nuclear to Rusia, in order to process become human energy.
The claimt action caused by “internationally wrongful act”-or Legal methods of dispute settlement by the International Court of Justice are referred to together as the world court. Article 94 of the United Nations Charter authorizes the Security Council to make recommendations or decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgement, although these powers have not yet been used to enforce a judgment. The compensation obtained by the claimant state is calculated by reference to the loss suffered by the individual or state institution, and aggressor that againts human law has duty to pay compensation to injured state and follow the court process. For instance, in the I'm alone case (1935), the United States sank a British ship smuggling liquor into the United States. Although, the arbitors held that sinking was illegal they awarded no damages for the loss of the ship,because it was owned by the United States citizens and uses for smuggling. But they ordered the United to apologize and to pay US.$25,000 to the United Kingdom as compensation for the insult to the British flag.
Beberapa masalah konspirasi “extreme berganti dan menurun dengan kasus extreme lainnya”. The sanction adopted by the Council against Libya for its alleged responsibility in the Lockerbie case, in which the United States. The same cases for Lockheed Scandal, and was free on September, 2009-serangkaian pengungkapan tentang tindakan korupsi internasional secara besar-besaran tahun 1960 yang menyangkut pabrik pesawat terbang Amerika Serikat, Lockheed. Masalah tersebut terungkap dalam sidang-sidang senat Amerika Serikat (1975) dan terutama menimbulkan kegoncangan dinegara-negara yang disebut-sebut dalam kesempatan itu : Jepang, Belanda, Italia dan Republik Federasi Jerman. Penyelidikan yang dilakukan di Jepang sampai menyeret bekas PM. Kakuei Tanaka kedepan pengadilan, dan dinegeri Belanda dibentuk Panitia Donner yang memeriksa Pangeran Bernhard. Skandal lockheed tersebut, mengingatkan saat Jepang membom Pearl Harbor, Pangkalan militer AS dan kemudian Hiroshima dan Nagasaki dibom Sekutu.
Namun, persoalan diselesaikan diawal dengan Konferensi Locarno (Swiss) 1925, yaitu konferensi yang bertujuan mencapai jaminan perdamaian dunia, yang menghasilkan 8 perjanjian penting, menyangkut jaminan perbatasan, konvensi arbitrase, dan jaminan bantuan secara timbal balik. Dan meredam krisis malaise (1929-35) serta perbaikan ekonomi diantara negara-negara dengan perwakilan delegasi yang mengikuti. Pengungkapan tragedi 60 dasawarsa tersebut mungkin dapat menghindari akibat buruknya, gagal bayar Lehman Brothers karena subprime mortage, krisis politik di Honduras, PM. Zelaya, PM. Italia Silvio Berlusconi yang terganjal karena tertarik perempuan lain, serta skandal CIA dengan perdagangan opium di Afghanistan.
Mengencam Klub Poligami, di Malaysia yang menawarkan
salah satu istri, sebagai umpan skandal bisnisnya
dan menutupi hubungan affair- dengan banyak perempuan lain.
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